My niece and nephews recently showed their calves at the county fair. I thought it’d be fun to ask my 4-year-old, non-farming niece a few questions about her fair experience
“Sustainable food systems” was a big buzz word last year as the United Nations prepared to host its inaugural Food Systems Summit (FSS). The aim of the FSS was “to help inspire a decade...
After bottoming out at $1,140 per head in April 2019, dairy replacements slowly gained value, selling between $1,240 and $1,380 per head over the next four years
Although it is still early to say so definitively, 2022 holds promise as a critical year of progress in the decades-long fight for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Most farmers are always striving to maximize production, whether it is pounds of milk per cow or bushels of grain per acre. More product to sell typically means more profit, but there is a balance bet
Inflation has officially arrived on the dairy product front as rising feed costs and the resulting tightness in U.S. milk supplies sends butter, cheese, nonfat dry milk, and whey prices climbing
The 2021 forage year was a challenge for some due to drought and wildfires. Yet, it bore good news for others with favorable growing conditions and yields
November’s $20.80 All-Milk price posted in the most recent Agricultural Prices yielded the smallest Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) payments of the year at 36 cents per hundredweight (cwt.) for farmers
“In my nearly 10 years with Rock River Laboratory, I can’t recall a crop shaping out like the one we’re likely going to be seeing, if not already feeding,” shared John Goeser
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadMike Hutjens, University of Illinois, and Mike Rankin, Hay & Forage Grower magazinesponsored by Chr. Hansen Large regions of drought and exce